It may seem that paying for vehicle insurance for something that you don’t use regularly is a bit much. A lot of people would rather go without. However, insurance is there to cover you from the unexpected. Car accidents are sudden and can happen anytime and not all accidents involve other vehicles.
Having insurance covers both you and the other party.
If for example the other driver is in the wrong and neither of you is covered you will be paying out of pocket to fix your car or be depending on the other person who may not be able to cover the cost of repairs. This will leave you in a tight spot.
Being prepared is simply a good practice. We’ve provided you with some good reasons why you should have protection on the road.
Protect Your Property
You’ve bought your car, your baby really and it wasn’t cheap either. After investing money into something like that you would want to protect. Insuring your car helps you maintain the value of your car. It covers damages that without repair can diminish the resale value of your car. You probably won’t have it forever and when it’s time to sell you’ll want to get a good sale for it. You can’t do that with a damaged and poorly maintained vehicle.
Legal Coverage
Insurance is your legal coverage on the road. Having car insurance guarantees that should you be the cause of damage to someone else’s car, you can cover the repairs; repairs that you are legally obligated to pay for. Depending on the policy you choose you will also be able to cover the cost of any damages to your car due to accidents not involving another vehicle. Should your situation result in a court case, you won’t have a lack of insurance tacked onto whatever charges you may or may not be facing. You want to make sure to protect yourself legally at all times. It can be difficult for a lawyer to secure you a win in court if you’ve broken one of the legal requirements for driving on the road.
Non-Accident Protection
Insurance also covers you from a non-accident incidence. If your car is stolen or vandalized, your insurance will cover it. This is vital as the rate of both occurrences is very high. You can find yourself in a bind should something of this nature happen to your car and you are with coverage.
You have the responsibility to insure your car. You might be the cause of damage to someone else’s vehicle or property. Your insurance will be your way to fulfill your responsibility in the case of your negligence. You should not inconvenience another person because you lack insurance or you do not keep up with your policy.
Peace of Mind
No one likes dealing with the hustle and bustle of being on the road or with any surprises that may happen. Being covered while you go about your day can assure you peace of mind. You will feel secure knowing that you have protection on your daily commute. You will also feel safe knowing that even if your car is stolen or vandalized you can get a replacement or have your car fixed. These are things that are out of your control but having the ability to take some of that control back gives you back your power and sense of freedom which can be taken away during an experience like that.
The Law
It is mandatory for all motor vehicles to have some form of insurance for road use. You can be fined or worse if you’re caught without it. The punishments can be hefty if the accident is your fault and you don’t have insurance. You can also face issues even if the accident isn’t your fault. Police are trained to check for these things during stops and inspections. If you’re found without insurance during one of these stops you will be fined.
It is best to obey the law and make sure that your car is insured. Depending on the accident you may end up with a mark on your record. You can also be stripped of your driving privileges and be banned from operating a vehicle.
Insurance protects and covers you while on and off the road. It’s like having a little superhero in your pocket. You don’t always need it but when you do it’s there. It also protects you from yourself and others. If you weren’t sure whether you need insurance then we’re sure that you are now. Be responsible and safe while on the road.