Nearly 40% of relationships start online, and youngsters use online dating 300% more than they used it in 2010. Differentiating a decent and average person from several creeps is the greatest challenge in online dating.
Most of them appear to be wholly rational and diligent on their online profiles, while they exhibit a completely different persona when you meet them in person. Read on to find out about a few easy tips to differentiate creepy people from normal ones.
Nice Guys Don’t Know They Are Nice
A guy who constantly flaunts and acts too refined is suspicious. Any person who likes you really will express their flaws and best qualities together. There is a reason many romance movies show strangers ending up loving each other after messy dates. Our subconscious mind is a tricky thing that will accept a person with flaws as natural.
Most of us have deep complexes, and we feel secure when we are with a person on our level rather than a perfect one. A guy holding out your purse, opening the door for you, and pulling your chair out of love with a happy smile is great.
They don’t expect anything in return and most of the time do it naturally because they like you and don’t notice they do it. The creepy ones expect you to praise them for the same and point it out to you the first chance they get.
They Know What You Want
Such guys are easy to spot online as they take authority in finalizing everything from selecting the restaurant to the time they will pick you up. They will usually not take a ‘no’ for an answer and will pressure you to adjust to their schedule and requirements. All guys do that to some extent, but girls start feeling uncomfortable when they cross the limit.
It is better to communicate openly as most normal people will take the hint and change their behaviour. On the other hand, creepy ones will keep justifying their viewpoint, attempt to prove you are wrong every chance they get, and try relentlessly to prove they know better. Avoid such creepy characters in the bud probably after a couple of dates to avoid leading them further and giving false hope.
Outright Stalkers
Some people get obsessed with you when they see your online profile, Instagram, etc., and go out of the way to impress you. They collect every detail available about you online and try to do everything you like on your first date. It is a gesture of love and childlike enthusiasm which most women enjoy.
It turns into stalking in some cases when you feel you are not compatible or try to avoid them because they are too clingy or want to move too fast in the relationship. Ordinary guys will calm down and start acting normal after a few dates, while the creepy ones will continue it even after the third or fourth date.
Such activities highlight their insecurity and fear of losing you. Tell them outright you will be their friend, and it will not work out if you pursue a romantic relationship. They might yearn for companionship rather than a girlfriend and will be happy to stay in touch with you.
Possessive Dates
Some men are incredibly possessive when it comes to online dating. They go to the extent of monitoring your online activities to check what you are doing throughout the day. You cannot say you don’t want to chat now because you feel like watching a movie.
They will immediately get hurt and demand whether they are not necessary, are you tired of the relationship, or why do you hate them. Such people will also prevent you from being social, acting close to other guys or girls, spending time with them, etc. Better avoid such creeps as possessiveness often leads to more doubts in the relationship.
Identify the Players
The players have multiple profiles on various dating sites and try to go out with many women simultaneously. They are not looking for a long-term relationship and want to have as much fun as possible. Go out with them if the lifestyle is suitable for you and not look for anything serious.
Check their name or number on the Nuwber website to get further details and see whether they have profiles on social media sites which they haven’t told you about. Nice guys will usually admit to trying multiple times and settle when they meet a decent girl. Players will continue their hunt, constantly looking for new ways to enjoy life.
Super Angry Dudes
Men with an extremely short temper and no respect for anybody other than them are hard to date. They will likely hurt you directly using obscenities, swear words, etc. You want to chat with them, and they are tired, their response will be – “You are boring. I don’t want to talk to you. I have a million better things to do”.
You refuse to facetime with them, and they will be like, “Did you take a shower today? Is your room messy?”. They are easily offended, insult everyone around them, and get into numerous fights. It is better to avoid such personalities entirely after the first date.
They are pretty hard to spot out, and it is nearly impossible to find them even after living for years with them. Some common qualities are:
- They will make you feel guilty for their fault.
- Their need always comes first.
- You always mess up.
If you want to end the chat because you have another chore, their response will be, “I have to prepare for an important meeting tomorrow. But I will rather spend some more time with you. But washing dishes is important for you. I completely understand”.
The underlying tone is subtle and induces guilt while most normal guys will say “Cool. Catch up with me after you are done” or “stay a little longer. I like chatting with you”.
Avoid these seven types of creepy dates online, and try to select ordinary people who match your wavelength. Online dating is great to spend time and get to know some new people from the comfort of your home. Use it wisely by filtering the lovely guys from the creeps using the tips mentioned above.